

So, a while ago on Twitter, Tom Fulp said about flash content on Newgrounds will now be in widescreen. I hadn't checked it out yet, but I assumed if you wanted to make a widescreen flash, surely you just make the size of your flash have more width than height. Anyway, I finally went onto to Newgrounds to check it out, I watched this (It's by Egoraptor! Click the 'S' in the title to see an awesome easter egg, seriously, it's great) now you may notice you don't have to click 'Watch This Movie' it just automatically loads for you, which is kinda neat but I feel it ruins the layout of the page, I'll get used to it.

There are 3 buttons above the flash, the picture of a moon darkens the website so the flash stands out more which is what used to happen when you opened up the flash so that's cool.
The second button opens the flash in a separate window, I know some people who needed to do this on the old Newgrounds layout as their computer wouldn't open the flash in the javascript pop-up, so that's still there.
The last buttons makes the flash even bigger, which is pretty neat I guess.

So that's the latest Newgrounds update, go check it out I guess.

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