

I knew today wasn't going to be very fun, I have a 5 hour Photography exam on Monday so I need to spend the next two days working in my book and getting stuff to do during the exam.
Instead of played Gears of War 2 for a while, played the Red Faction demo, that game is quite fun. Then went into town and met Ardy, I needed some folder dividers for school and I got a Coke. Ardy traded Crackdown in at SeeBay for £5, Blockbuster only offered him £1.80, butt hey guys at blockbuster were really funny, like a comedy duo. Ardy then bought Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, which is a great game which everyone should own.

Now I've just been watching TV and drawing up some sketches/plans for a new comic I'm doing, though I have lots of work to do so I won't be starting it till at least next week.

Well, today turned out better than expected seen as everyone is away on their silly camping trip.

I won't bore you with my pathetic life anymore, I'll try and write about more interesting things from now on.


4/26/2009 12:30:18 am

Twas a good day for my expert blagging skills :)
But I'm disappointed in the fact that i now have to go out of my way just to read your blogs :( Before I just refreshed Tumblr every 10 mins and got updated on EVERYTHING, you're ruining the system damn it!


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