
I've had my iPod Touch for almost 2 years now and have had the apple earphones that came with it since then as well. Honestly, I'm surprised they've managed to last this long but I reckon I've got about 1 week left in them, here's what they look like at the moment:
Broken earphones
One earphone has fallen off, the other has lost the rubber around it that keeps it together, the rubber around the jack has come off and the wires are fraying as well. It's so close to falling apart and I really need some new ones.

I was thinking of getting some skull candy's, but they're quite expensive and have heard they're not as durable. If you have any earphone suggestions please tell me them in the comments, preferably cheap ones because I'm skint right now.
Thanks ;)
9/4/2009 03:48:51 am

Sennheiser CX300. £13.99 from Amazon -

Buy them. Now.

9/4/2009 04:07:56 am

2 years is good, mine didn't even last 4 months.


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