

If you're here then you've obviously been told about the new CrackJack blog, my last blog was pretty poor. I'm now using a new blog publisher called Weebly, I got tired off Tumblr, it was too simple, not enough layouts and I couldn't easily make a post to my blog, it would go straight to my comics.
With Weebly I can add new pages and organized it much more which is great. It's really easy to customize the theme as well, as you can see.

One thing that was nice about Tumblr was if you were following me then you could instantly see my updates, now you'll just have to come and check here manually if you want to read my blog. I'll probably notify everyone via Twitter when I've made a new blog post. (@RetroJack)

So, keep checking back, or join the RRS feed by clicking the link on the right (you'll need an RRS reader first though)
Also if you could click my adsense links at the bottom that would be wonderful.

Thank you very much, love to all <3

4/28/2009 05:05:36 am

No disqus comment system? :O


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