

I was just in the most epic match on Gears, once I got into the lobby I looked at the teams, first off all someone had left our team making it 4v5, 4 people on their team was in a clan, they all had 'Mad' infront of their names. The last guy was part of his own clan. Then someone else quit are team so it was 3v5 now, great. We played Excuction on River.

So, we had two computer players on our team and we got totally owned, after I died I was watching my team mates, and they didn't have guns, there is this really annoying glitch where you don't have a gun. So, I was the only human on our team who could do anything. The computer players were the only players to get any kills in the first round.

Soon it was 3-0 to them, we were obviously going to lose, I was up in the room with the sniper rifle, two guys came up behind them, but they came one at a time so I someone managed to pick them off. I then went and hid in the corner downstairs because I could ear someone coming in, they ran in, upstairs and right past me, I went behind him and shot him in the face as he turned around. It then went to Sudden Death which I didn't win. So now it was 4-0, we might as well give up.
Then, one guy on our team manages to get his gun back, he was the guy alive and managed to kill the other 4 players on the other team, so we didn't lose, then next round the other guy got his gun back and did the same. Then I managed to get the final kill in another round. Soon enough it was 4-4, we were so close to losing and managed to win 4 rounds in a row. I didn't do to good and bumped into someone with a meatshield and didn't survive for long, but the last man on our team managed to take out 3 of their players leaving it sudden death. After about 30 seconds of roaming around, the two players found each other on the bridge, my teammate only narrowly avoided a Tourque bow shot and managed to down the other guy as he was reloading and we won the match!!

So let me recap, it's 3v5, all of the other team are Lvl.30+ in clans, they got the Boomshot every round, we barley used any special weapons yet we managed to outsmart them and come back from losing 4-0 to win 5-4.

It was hella epic bro.

4/30/2009 08:09:35 am

Sweet. I haven't really played much of the online on that game, other than horde. Gonna have to try it once I give CoD back.


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